A Admit that you are a sinner B Believe that christ is the lord C Confess him before men D Deny yourself and follow him E Enjoy being a child of God F Forgive your enemies so your father will also forgive you G Glorify your father who is in heaven H Honor your father and mother I Ignore Satan when he comes to decieve you J Judge not K Keep working for Jesus L Leave your past behind you M Marvel Not N Never go to sleep with hatred toward your brother O Obsess yourself with the word of God P Provide food for the hungry Q Quit serving the things of this world R Respect God and the things of God S Sell your soul to God T Tell your friends about Jesus U Unite yourself with other christians V Venture into strange lands spreading the word of God W Witness to others X Xray your heart every day Y Yearn to see God Z Zone the devil out of your life 